



The Conclusions on the Impact of the Administrative Reform on the Course of the Economic Reforms, that are in the 2010-2014 Program of the Economic Reforms of the President of Ukraine.


The Technique of the Analysis of the Fulfillment of the Plans-Schedules of the First Stage of the Sections of the 2010-2014 Program of Economic Reforms of the President of Ukraine.


The 2010-2014 Program of the Economic Reforms of the President of UkraineWealthy Society, Competitive Economy, Efficient Nation” has four sections.  Each section has the stages of the reform, with the first one to be completed in 2010:  


  1) the sustainable economic development (the Stabilization of the National Budget, the Reform of the Tax System, the Development of the Financial Sector, the Reform of the Interbudget Relationships),


  2) the improvement of the living standards (the Reform of the Medical Service, the Rеform of the Pension Insurance System, the Reform of the Education System, the Reform of the Social Support System),


  3) the improvement of the business climate and the attraction of investments (the Deregulation and the Development of the Entrepreneurship, the Privatization and the State Property Management, the Development of the Scientific-Technical and the Innovation Sphere, the International Integration and Cooperation),


  4) the modernization of the infrastructure and of the core sectors   (the Reform of the Electricity, the Reform of the Coal Sector, the Reform of the Oil & Gas Industry, the Reform of the Housing and Communal Services, the Development of the Transport Infrastructure, the Development of the Agriculture and the Land Reform). 


The recommendations and the conclusion on the results of the analysis of the state of the fulfillment of the plans-schedules of the first stage (by 2010) of the sections of the 2010-2014 Program of the Economic Reforms of the President of Ukraine The Wealthy Society, Competitive Economy, Efficient Nation”.

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